Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Camping and Todays Run

Well this weekend was spent at Hill Country State Natural Area near Bandera, Texas.  It was a lot of fun.  The Bandera 25k, 50k and 100k was going on this weekend so went up there to check it out and to cheer on the friends that were there running the various races.  While I didn't do any running this weekend, I did do some hiking. It ended up being close to 5 miles of very hilly and rocky terrain that was hiked in amongst the runners.  Then afterwards did another 2ish mile walk down the road.  So while there was no running, the legs were still moving and so I think that counts, especially in those hills.  Reminded me of almost like back home.  It was a good weekend!

This morning I was up at the crack of too damn early, and went running.  First morning run in a long time. I met up with someone who is also training for IMTX, we are going to meet Mon and Wed to hold each other accountable for getting there and getting our runs in.  She's much faster and more along in her running (as she's a runner!) so hopefully she doesn't get to sick of me tagging a long as much as I can.  But because she was there, I got up and ran.  And it wasn't a horrible run.  She did push me, and we did the proper 3 mile loop, starting at mile zero and ran around to the mile 3 marker which is past the zero mile marker, since the loops isn't quite 3 miles.  My GPS tracked us at 3.11 miles though so not sure who to believe here.  But either way, did it in under 28 minutes and it was longer than my previous runs so it was all good.  It was good to be running in the morning again.  Hopefully I can continue this and be able to get my morning runs in again!

Next run planned is tomorrow after work.  So, no chance in missing out that one! Unless I over sleep at work and miss going home!

Update: (9:50pm 1/10/2011)
Just uploaded the stats from my watch and realized the first two miles were done at a pace of 8:34 and 8:22, no wonder I was hurting!  The last mile was 10:22 because of that short walking break.  So yeah, if I can keep that up, I will be back in no time!

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