Thursday, January 13, 2011

Biking and Running

So I didn't get my entry in yesterday for my biking as I just ran out of time and fell asleep early.  And now it's late and I'm tired but need to get this off before I get too far behind.

Had a nice chilly bike yesterday.  I did my first lap and realized I needed more layers, so quickly stopped tossed on my fuzzy orange shirt and that was much better.  About a month ago I did buy a nice cycling jacket specifically for protecting against the wind and rain during these cooler months, and it definitely is doing it's job well.  So quite pleased with that purchase.  The biking wasn't overly great, but I got 13.5 miles in.  I bonked at mile 12, and figured it was time to stop before something stupid happened.  I definitely need a lot more saddle time ASAP!  As well as getting better at my nutrition again, since I'm bonking after twelve miles, which is pretty bad!  But over all it wasn't bad.

Today, I ran in the trails a bit.  Was a nice change of pace.  I think I will feel it tomorrow, as I'm not use to that kind of movement.  And I can say that I definitely enjoy running trails much more than I do road.  The extra challenges of dodging the roots and hills and rocks and low hanging branches... Forgot about those ones I did.  I had a good reintroduction to what it's like to run into a branch with my head.  Then as I grabbed my head in pain, I kind of forgot I had a bike bottle in my hand and stuck the spout into my eye.  Talk about a double whammy! (Yes you may laugh, as this is funny and I'm sure the sight of it all was hilarious!)

For those of you familiar with MP, I ran from the rugby pitch, to Yellow, keeping left.  Then left at Purple and left onto Orange immediately there.  Ran along that until Purple popped up, then left until Orange intersected, followed that to where it dumped out onto Purple again.  Then I ran Purple back to where Orange dumped out onto Purple, ran Orange back to where I started on Orange, and then back on to Yellow, to Purple then out onto the rugby pitch again.  So it was sort of an out and back, just ran Purple back instead of the little Orange trail, to make sure I got some mileage in.

As it turns out, I ended up running about 3.25 miles in 41 minutes.  Which isn't bad, as I was taking it slow and several stops and walk breaks.  I will keep this path in mind and try it again in a couple weeks to see if there is much improvement.  I like how technical it is without being too technical at this time since I'm so prone to injury running trails when first starting out.

Tomorrow should be a nice boring run on the jogging path again to get loose and ready for a longerish run on Saturday.

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