Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Easy 6 Miles... Wait. What?!

Yup.  Title says it all.  I went out and ran with a friend and we did an easy 6 mile run today.  Not doing 5/1s or anything... A couple of breaks so we could water up.  But nice and easy and completed it feeling great.

I remember towards the beginning of the year I was having problems running.  I was able to do 3 miles for a while, and my goal was at least 3 miles 5 times a week.  Yeah, that fell through, I'm still not running 5 times a week, that is way too agressive with all the other stuff I'm doing lately.  But, it was so bad I just stopped running for several months and would go do it, and then flake, and run and flake.  No real motivation to run since it was starting over, and that's always hard.

Now I'm being consistant, getting out there 3-4 times a week following my plan to get my 25k done this year on Dec 31st.  And I am now at a point where I can say I went out and ran an easy 6 miles and it is!  It's amazing to be able to say something like that after so many struggles through out the year that kept me out of it.   But, I'm not going to let it get fully to my head.  I know something can come along and derail my path here and I will have to start over, but knowing I can, and doing it so successfully now makes me think if I had to, I could.

And I'm still off the sugars since Oct 31st as well as caffeine, which was totally accidental.  But, when I cut out the energy drinks, I just never replaced it with tea like I was planning on.  I got too lazy to make a cup.  Not sure why it was so easy this time around, no real withdrawal issues or anything, just cold turkey and it worked... So far...

Always a struggle and always staying vigilant!

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