Monday, November 14, 2011

5k TT and Disappointments

Today I had planned to do a 5k time trial run.  This is so I can figure out where I am currently, and watch my progress over the next month when I have another one scheduled on my training program.

Over the 5k (3.1 miles) I averaged 8:18 min/mile pace.  I was really hoping for something closer to 8:00.  I did have some stomach issues while I was out there, basically it felt like my stomach was punching itself which I think was due to various pills (vitamins, Advil, etc) I popped too close to the run time.  Next time, I will take the vitamins, etc after the run so that they won't interfere.  I haven't run a 5k TT in years, and last time I don't remember my time, just that it was between 21-22 minutes.

I was looking back at my various runs over the last several months.  Most of them were easy when I run the jogging path at Memorial Park, and then I stumbled across one I did in early October, where I ran 3 miles with a 8:24 min/mile pace.  That kind of stung.  How was I able to run that fast with out really trying?  And yet when I was trying I barely did better?  One of the things was the stomach issue that's for sure.  I had to stop to a walk for about 15 seconds twice to try to set aside the pain.    I'm thinking the another thing, was I had a super busy weekend.  I ran 5.5 miles on Saturday morning, where I didn't use 5/1s.  Simply because I forgot until after the first mile and decided to go with it.  That was a surprisingly  quick run from and I was quite happy with it.

After that run, I went mountain biking, which I was feeling the run while pedaling around.  So, the legs were well worked on Saturday.  Sunday, I went outrigger canoeing.  Not a leg workout but definitely a back workout.  And last time I had planned the 5k TT I had to stop because it was a day after an OC practice and my back gave out.  Today, I did feel my back a little bit, so I had prepared for it with a super hot shower and stretching, and Advil (yeah those pills I popped too soon to running time.)  I think if I ease off the weekend activities just before the TT, then I should have better times.  Plus, with all the training I'm putting in between now and then to get myself back into shape, I am hoping for something better.

Am I disappointed about this run? Sure.  But it was a learning experience like always and I know what not to do next time and as well, what to try.  I do think I am on some correct tracks though with nutrition and the training, just need to keep at it and keep an eye on things.

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