Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Not Slacking... Really!

Well, I've not been really slacking.  I have been getting my runs in.

I got my 12 miler done on Saturday with some good results.  Again, I was running 5/1s for it, and that averaged out to being 9:06 min miles.  So that is 30 second per mile faster than the 11 miles last week!

I then took out all my runs and averaged them, and that came out to 8:31 for 11.1 miles.  The walks were 14:42 for 1.25 miles.  So, yes I did run 12.35 miles total.  I felt not too bad after wards.  The legs were pretty tired but I probably could have done 15 miles if I really wanted to push it.  I would have paid for it worse than I am now with just the 12, but I could have done it!

That was Saturday morning.  Saturday evening, I went with the Texas Outrigger Canoe Club and helped paddled around Clear Lake for the Kemah Christmas Boat Parade.  We paddled for about 2.5 hours total and I think it was around 10-12 miles that we did.  Not sure for certain as my watch was turned off for about 1.5 hours.

So with those two workouts on Saturday I've been pretty sore and stiff all over from it.  Yesterday I also went in for my first allergy vaccination shot.  Since then I have been feeling like my allergies (cat/dog) have been trying to come through, but I think the allergy meds I'm taking are keeping it bay, so I'm in a weird state of being ready to be all sneezy, wheezy and eye itchy but it just not happening.

With that in mind, I went for another run yesterday afternoon.  Tired, sore and stiff from the Saturday fun, then allergyish from the shot... It felt like a big suffer fest out there.  And I felt super slow, but managed to do the 3 miles in just over 26 minutes so that wasn't too bad after all.

I have 5 miles planned tomorrow, so we shall see how that goes, shouldn't be too horrible as I will be running with a friend and that usually makes running much more tolerable.

So, I've not been slacking on my running, just slacking on my updates a bit...

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