Saturday, October 29, 2011

Goals: Flexible or Not?

Today I had a goal to run 8 miles.  I woke up this morning feeling a bit cruddy, so I adjusted my goal to run 5 miles and see how I feel.  The weather here in Houston is awesome currently.  As I headed out, the temps were in the low 50s.  After a summer of record weather: most days in the 100s, highest temperatures, no rain, to name a few; these cooler temps which wouldn't feel that cold in years past but this morning it felt cold to me.  I don't know if it was because I was feeling cruddy, or just not use to the temps for so long but I was feeling the cold this morning, so I waited a bit before going out when I had planned to.  Another goal, running by 8.

So, for those keeping track, that's two goals today alone: 8 miles, and running by 8.  I didn't make either goal, I adjusted them.  I ended up getting to my run around 10:20 and ran around 6.4 miles.  So, I guess I technically made the adjusted goal of run 5 miles and see how I felt.  At mile 5 I was feeling a bit tight in the legs so knew I should push past it too much further, but I also was in the back of the trails when that happened so running back was the only option I had.

As disappointing as not running 8 miles should have been since I didn't make that goal, it was one of the most enjoyable runs I've ever had.  For me, this means more than reaching any goal, original or adjusted.  It's documented quite well how much I'm not a fan of running.  So any time I have an enjoyable run, I think that trumps any goals I have.  And since this was the most enjoyable this counts as a good run.  And I will take it.

This brings up the question.  Should goals be flexible?  I mean, I didn't reach my goals as I wanted, but still feel great about the run.  I didn't make the 8 miles which means I'm behind on the training I am trying to accomplish, but does that much? Will next weeks run goal (10 miles) be achievable because I had a good run this week even though it was 1.6 miles short?  I guess I will find out next week!

Why all this talk about goals now?  I came across a revelation recently.  I set myself a goal for the month of October to not eat out at a restaurant all month.  Now, I didn't reach that goal because I did eat out a couple of times, but much less than I normally do, which had a surprising effect on my bank account.  So, even though I didn't reach the goal, I had positive results.  This has got me to thinking that I really need to start creating myself more proper goals.  I always say "my goal is whatever" and although I say that, I don't actually make it happen.  I once saw a sign that said "Goals are dreams with a plan."  

Time to start planning out my dreams and turning them into goals.

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