Last week I didn't make my goal exactly. I missed out on running five days. But I had five runs in. I doubled up on Thursday because I knew I wasn't going to get a run in on Saturday because of having to take my truck in for supposedly an oil change.
I got to the dealership to get the 115k service (just basic oil change and some other things) and waited around. I did tell them that there was some funky squeaking happening as well so they were going to look into that. After waiting for three hours they came back to me and let me know what was going on. Needed water pump replaced and some bushings on the tie-rods and struts and stuff (not a car guy so no real clue here.) This immediately brought me into a bit of a depression. Broken trucks and bad finances will always do this.
Sunday, went out biking, and got in 20 miles in about an hour forty. I was feeling pretty down still and this ride was actually pretty hard. A 20 mile ride shouldn't be that hard at this point. So, that contributes to the downward spiral.
Monday morning, I wake up at the alarm, and hear it raining and decide I didn't really want to go through the hassle of getting dress to run in the rain. Plus I was really feeling the bike in my legs still. So I went back to sleep with the plan of going running in the evening. Everyone talks about getting your work out done in the morning because something may come up later in the day which makes you miss out on it. And this was definitely true yesterday. I had a scheduled meeting after work, and because of the weather it got delayed about 30 minutes. Then it also went on a bit longer than I had anticipated at this time as well. But that's ok, still plenty of time to go run. Get into my truck, and the battery is dead. Crap. So my mood sinks again, and running is completely out now.
I call up Triple-A and they come out in about an hour, and I get going. Running is out, because it's too late, I would be too wired from it to be able to sleep. Plus I just don't feel like it at all. I stop at Whataburger for dinner. It didn't really taste great, but it was comforting. Yup, I eat crap when I need comforting even when it doesn't taste good.
I get home, and get everything ready so I can run in the morning. It will be a new day and things are going to be good tomorrow!
Alarm goes off at 4am, and it awakes me from a dream where some lady crashed into my truck because she was driving down the wrong side of the road. While waiting for the cops to show, I find out she has no insurance I start going into a bit of a rage fit, but before anything really happens, that's when the alarm went off. So I wake up pissed off. And my knee is locked. I slept funny and it won't move or anything. And I also have a bunch of blood in my mouth from biting through my tongue again. Great start to the day. I'm going back to sleep.
My goal for this week is in a flux, I'm not sure I will make it. But, goals are things to reach for. And the real goal is 3 miles a day, 5 days a week for 2011. There will be weeks when I don't make that happen. There will be weeks when I do make it happen. And I expect down the road, I will have much more mileage than just 3 miles a day. So, I will continue to reach for this goal.
I will also take lessons learned here, to always make sure to get that run in, in the morning, because YES, you don't know what will happen through out the day, which may cause you to miss out on the run or whatever.
Another lesson is some times you do need to just step back and take a break, breathe a little and don't worry about hitting all your goals bang on. In the end it doesn't really matter, as long as you can keep yourself happy and continue to be happy doing what you are doing. Don't beat yourself up because you missed out on a work out, or a financial goal in a certain time or something. Life happens, and it passes you by while you are berating yourself. Something happens deal with it, move past it and get on with the good stuff again.
Supposedly I will be going running after work tonight if my knee behaves it self. If not, then definitely in the morning. We shall see if it happens or not either way. It is OK.