Thursday, November 19, 2009

Running When I Shouldn't.

So I wasn't suppose to run today, because my calves were very tight.  But after a rough drive home, in bad traffic and lots of other stuff going on in my head, I needed to get some relief.  So, I ran.

For those who don't know me, I hate running. Loathe. Detest. Abhor. etc. Yeah, I kind of don't like it generally.  And normally when I am feeling bad, down, upset, disconcerted, disconsolate, and wordy, I just want to curl up and gorge on bad food.  So, this going for a run thing instead of eating... MAJOR breakthrough for me.

Of course since my calves were so tight I really shouldn't have gone out.  It may have been more detrimental to my legs and ability to run again soon.  But the ability to go out and run the demons out was way worth it.  It was a slower run than my last one because of the sore legs.  But, it was a good mental run.

I do not think I hate running as much anymore because of this.  I still don't like it.  But, I can't say I hate it anymore.

I just did my 2.46 mile route.  1.23 miles out at a pace of 9:34, and then 9:14 on the way back.  Still doing negative splits, with huge gaps, so I could totally be running faster that first bit, but I'm still relearning that I can run.  And so I'm happy with these numbers.  And happy with the over all results of todays run.......

Even if I can't walk tomorrow.


  1. Are you stretching before and after, mister?!

  2. Not before. And a little bit after, I definitely can do better in the stretching after part.
